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When I started this project I had two things in mind. Have fun with it and make people laugh.

I grew up in Albany, N.Y. My Mother raised two sets of twins on her own. Growing up was sometimes difficult. We didn’t have much, but we got by just fine. You see back in the 70’s, technology was not as it is today. People relied more on their imagination. For me that was never a problem, as I was always told that I was very creative.

I guess I began this journey many years ago with ideas I had for some clothing apparel. Eventually those ideas were put on the back burner - but just to simmer for a while. In the fall of 2007 while watching football, I came up with a catch phrase that jump started my ideas once again. With long hours, hard work and a ton of changes, I have finally accomplished what I started years ago.

I would like to thank a very talented graphic designer named Marty and an equally talented website designer named Adam, whose hard work has helped to make my characters come to life. Thank you Lynn for all of your love and support. And, to all my friends for your input and advice…Thank You!

Mike Photo   Now, say "Hello!" to The SNEABLES!!!

(One of my personal favorites is Mr. Frank Fearless, the character pointing at you from behind his cool shades).

Copyright © 2day&2Morrows Creations 2021. Privacy Policy | Cartoon Design: Martin Touhey